Branding and Illustration for the do-gooders, the go-getters and the ones that just really love cats*
*(The animal, not the movie.)

Helping those who want to make a positive difference in the world bring their branding visions to life with strong strategy, good design and quirky illustrations.

- You care about what you do
- You know why you do what you do
- You care about other people
- You are willing to invest in your business
- You appreciate inappropriate jokes
We’ll be a good fit if…

I'm Hilde. I’ll be the one working hard behind the scenes, creating pretty things.
All the ideas bouncing around your head turned into a baller brand. Branding at Slab Serif Studio covers everything from the basics to the bits and pieces that demand attention.
It’s time to say “see ya” to stock imagery. Slab Serif’s illustrations of you and your brand elements add a little something extra—plus you get to tell everyone, “Oh, that? It’s custom.”
There’s no point to a brand that only lives inside a style guide. Get a strategically stunning website—without the headaches that come with trying to DIY.

Design Indaba Emerging Creative Class of 2021: Illustration
Did you find me on Pinterest?
My Yellow Submarine pin and my Bob’s Bagels pins went wild on Pinterest these last two years. So if that’s how you found me, I’m so glad you’re here!
Why not follow me on Pinterest too while you’re at it?

Where’s your head at?
Ready to work together? Head this way to drop me a line.
Need a bit more information? I’ve got you covered.